Welcome to Reva!
This is the bug-tracker and wiki for Reva: a small, cross-platform Forth. Reva currently runs on Windows, Mac OS/X and Linux. It only runs on 32-bit "x86" family processors, at the moment, although it will run on 64-bit machines if they have 32-bit application support.
NOTE: A cross-platform development environment inspired by Reva is currently under development by Ron. It is close to release...
If you are not logged-on to this site, you can still browse it and download the Reva sources. If you are logged on anonymously, you can also clone the source database (but you cannot push changes up). If you have a developer logon then you can make changes directly to the Reva source tree.
NOTE: this site is hosted via dynamic-IP DSL, and the IP address changes from time to time. In addition, the DSL connection is sometimes unavailable. If you try to access this site and have trouble, that may be the reason ... just try again in a few minutes.
IMPORTANT NOTE: if you experience problems "pulling" the repository then please: review this page.
- Download the latest release
- Getting the latest sources
- Request a developer logon so you can help make Reva better
- File a bug report (you must be logged on as 'anonymous', at least, in order to file a report). You can also make suggestions using this mechanism
Mailing lists:
All about Reva:
- Work through the tutorial
- Read the manual
- Learn more about unique Reva features
- The Todo list (mostly for developers)
Related projects:
- The Reva GUI. This is not being actively developed any more, but you may find it interesting
- Useful but not directly related: Ron's build of VIM