Reva is not a one-man project, even though Ron does write most of the code and make the releases. It is proper to show gratitude for the many who came before me and those who help me along. My deepest gratitude and sincere thanks to:
- The Win32Forth team, particularly Alex McDonald - for "cutting my teeth" in Forth and providing a useful platform. They are also to be commended for giving me the impetus to strike out on my own path.
- The folks on comp.lang.forth for providing much food for thought and (on occasion) answers.
- Elizabeth Rather et. al. for publishing excellent reference material. Likewise Leo Brodie.
- Charles Moore for having started the Forth ball rolling so many years ago.
- Tomasz Grysztar for creating the superb FASM assembler, without which Reva would be unlikely.
- The RetroForth team - especially Charles Childers, for his generous spirit and wonderful technical insights. Reva truly would not have happened without his support.
- Not least of all, the family of Reva users (in no particular order) William Cook, Helmar Wodtke, Danny Reinhold and many others. You guys are an incredible support team, and I really appreciate your help and input.