Further Explorations of Reva (A "Beginner to Intermediate" Tutorial)
Welcome to Reva.
It is expected that you will have already downloaded Reva, installed it, gone through the basic tutorial, and perhaps played around with it. If you haven't yet, you should. It is also useful to look at the code in the examples subfolder, to see how things work generally.
This documentation is mostly of an exploratory nature, but along the way we may define a few words that will be of some use to us in our own programming. At the very least, they will give some experience with coding in Reva, and they will assist us in understanding some of its internals.
These beginner-to-intermediate docs were written by someone like you, someone who felt the need to play with Reva to get to know it. If you have something to add or correct, please share what you've learned.
Get Familiar with Reva.
From the moment you type reva at your console, you enter a new world. It almost looks the same: the blinking cursor is very familiar.
The only suggestion that you have stepped through a portal to the Forth dimension, is that now the command prompt is different. But isn't it reassuring? Even if 'Rod Serling' shows up at your computer terminal, saying ' "there's a signpost, up ahead" ', you just know that everything is going to be ok>
Now you are in a simpler world. Simple, yes: but a bit on the 'bizarro' side, too. It's probably not what you're used to. This Forth universe is postfix, integer, attentive to stacks. Your prior experience with programming languages probably won't help much. Forth is both interpreted and compiled; it has a core set of words but is infinitely extensible, and one may even redefine the core at will. You are closer now to the machine than you ever thought possible. In some sense, Forth is a very powerful macro-Assembler.
Furthermore, we might learn about other implementations of Forth from their documentation or books. But even if we knew everything there was to know about other Forths, Reva is unique, and its documentation is spartan. We're pretty much on our own here.
Like Adam in the garden of Eden, your task is to name things that have never been named. But still: you want to know first, what is already named, and how is it named? It's time to look around.
When we type the command words at the ok> prompt, Reva gives us a list of words that we can use in our own programming. In Reva version 6.0.2, for example, there are about 360 words already defined, beginning with syscall (under Linux; under Windows, the first word is cold) and ending with argv. This is unlikely to change drastically to a much higher number of words in later versions, because Reva's core words are considered an optimal minimal set. It is even possible that some words may be factored out in later versions of Reva (update: in Reva 2011.1 there are approximately 625 built-in words, but the core is almost the same size!). For your personal reference, type: .ver and note how many words there are in the version you are using. Also, take note of where your user programs are going to be compiled by typing here .
(Don't forget the period . It outputs to the screen the value of here).
Let's have a closer look at our dictionary. Reva has a word called dump defined like this in src/reva.f:
| implementation of 'dump' (as of 6.x, it has since changed a bit): create dump$ 17 allot | space for 16 characters : dumpasc dump$ count dup 0if 2drop else 16 over - 3 * spaces type then cr dump$ off ; : ?nl dup 0; 16 mod not 0; drop over dumpasc .x ; : >printable dup 32 127 between not if drop '. then ; : dump 0; dump$ off over .x 0 do | iterate for each line: i ?nl drop dup c@ dup >printable dump$ c+place .2x space 1+ loop drop dumpasc ;
A short explanation is in order. The only word that we currently have access to is dump itself, the words that it uses ( dump$, dumpasc, ?nl, >printable) are hidden to us. If we wanted to extend dump in some way, we could create a new version, but to access those hidden words we would have to redefine them so that we can play with them. Try entering the program for dump above at the terminal (including those previously hidden words). You will notice that you get no warning when creating the word that is already defined (i.e. dump). This is intentional ... unlike other Forths, Reva assumes you know what you are doing when you define a word; sometimes this can "bite" you, though -- so be aware that redefining existing words is silent. All the more reason to be aware of what already exists via a walk-about like this tutorial.
We have redefined dump on top of the dictionary, replacing the old one in the search order. In other words, the older dump is still there, but our interpreter can't see it (actually, it can if we use the word prior, but that's for another time). We can similarly redefine any word in Reva's dictionary, and use it instead of the old one. However, we cannot expect words that called the old word (in this case Reva's original dump) to use our new word automatically. That feature could be built by us; in fact, many words in Reva are written as special vectored words (with the defining word defer) to make this job easier for us - as if we are expected to change the core. We'll be looking at some of these deferred words in later sections.
You may be unfamiliar with several of the words used in this program. It would be a good idea to type help with any of them you don't understand for an explanation of their use, for example:
help 0; help .x help between help c+place
We'll be looking at help more in-depth in the next major section. For now, realize that all of the words that Reva delivers 'out of the box' have a help associated with them. Use it liberally.
Later in this section we are going to look at the way words works and modify it slightly to give us a different output.
Noob exercise: If you have never seen or used the Reva-unique word 0; before, perhaps it would be instructive if you write out two stack diagrams for every word in the definition ?nl (one as input, and one as output), and describe what is happening (e.g.):
( a n -- ) : ( -- a n ) | define a new word ( a n -- ) ?nl ( -- a n ) | call it ?nl ( a n -- ) dup ( -- a n n ) | dup TOS to work with it ( etc.)
Now that we have defined five more words (dump$ , dumpasc , ?nl , >printable , dump), type here . again. When we compare the new here against the old here, we find that our five new words have increased the dictionary size by around 400 - 500 bytes. Let's look at that memory with our new dump. Examine the output of
here 550 - 600 dump
With any luck, you should see something like this (likely your memory addresses will be different):
ok> here 550 - 600 dump 08051D55 C3 90 90 E8 A7 8B FF FF 08 2E 2E 2E 2E 2E 2E 2E ................ 08051D65 2E 2E 2E 2E 2E 2E 2E 2E 2E 00 90 E8 E3 FF FF FF ................ 08051D75 E8 FE C3 FF FF 8D 76 FC 89 06 85 C0 AD 0F 85 10 ......v......... 08051D85 00 00 00 8B 46 04 8D 76 08 E9 3D 00 00 00 90 90 ....F..v..=..... (etc)
Those of you familiar with other Forth implementations might be startled to notice that the human-readable dictionary (where the actual words appear) is not contiguous with the executable code of Reva. So where is it?
Reva does not hash the dictionary for speedy searching as some other Forths do, but the find word is crafted carefully to maximize its speed. Some Forth implementations that have hashing don't even require the words to be kept in human readable form after they are defined. But Reva's dictionary is not hidden in this way. So where is it?
Reva's dictionary is compressed with Lempel-Ziv encoding upon Reva's creation, and unpacked and initialized at runtime. So where is it?!
We can examine the entire dictionary space of Reva with this command:
( in Linux:) ' syscall here over - dump ( in Windows:) ' cold here over - dump
As soon as you hit return, watch closely for Reva's word-list among our new ascii print-out.
Did you see it? Probably you saw something, before it scrolled away. There were a few strings in there that seemed almost recognizable. We are going to do this again, but this time we will redirect Reva's output to a file, so we can go back and look at the entire dump
Redirecting Output to a File
Assuming you still have our new dump defined in the Reva dictionary, type the command
(from Linux) save bin/Revadump (from Windows) save bin\Revadump.exe
This will exit Reva and you are now back in the ordinary world of the computer console. Have a look in your Reva bin directory now, there should be a new executable that you put there called Revadump. You have created a new version of Reva for your own use, what Reva and other Forths call a turnkey program: in other words, we have modified Reva so that any user besides ourselves can use it (turn the key and it's theirs). Thanks to the generosity of Ron Aaron, and according to Reva's LICENCE, our new version of Reva is free to give away to anyone (and so is any other turnkey program you might want to create with it).
Start Revadump with the console command:
(from Linux) bin/Revadump >memorymap.txt (from Windows) bin\Revadump >memorymap.txt
This will redirect screen output to the file memorymap.txt - you won't be able to see the results of what you're typing until later when we look at memorymap.txt. In fact, you won't even be able to see the reassuring ok> prompt. Don't worry. You're still in Reva, you're still in Forth..
Once again (carefully now) type
( in Linux:) ' syscall here over - dump ( in Windows:) ' cold here over - dump
Now type bye and load up the new file you've created in your Reva directory (memorymap.txt) with your favourite text editor.
See? There's the ok> prompt - and the results of our ascii dump, showing all of Reva from the first definition in the dictionary ( Linux: syscall, Windows cold) to the top of the dictionary ( here ). Now we can take our time exploring Reva's memory. Think of it as a poor man's memory map of Reva.
You might want to open a copy of Reva (or revadump) to run some tests as we explore it.
Exploring the poor man's memory map
The first readable word we see if we're in Linux (about 210 hex bytes above the start of the dump) is the word Reva repeated twice. This is actually part of the executable portion of the word getpid (Reva's second word in Linux).
Continue to scroll through the memory map you generated. It takes a while before you recognize anything interesting. But eventually you see a string of numbers and letters like so: 0123456789ABCDEF
This is part of a table used by Reva to convert numbers (you can examine the source for it in revacore.asm in the src directory). Then we see (again, if we're in Linux, or for the first time if we are in Windows) the words Reva Reva
The source file, revacore.asm tells us that the string of numbers and letters is part of the process todigit , and the words Reva Reva are part of the process _save. This can be corroborated by comparing the addresses printed in our poor man's memory map to the execution addresses of these high-level forth words:
' digit> . ' (save) .
Scroll a bit further. Here we go: finally! Way up above the actual code for the word syscall (or cold), we find the human-readable dictionary entry for the word. As we take a closer look at the dump, and compare it to the source files and documentation, the fog begins to clear and we begin to understand dictionary entries.
At the beginning of the actual dictionary of human-readable words, your printout might look something like this (the addresses will likely be different):
0804A914 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FC DA 04 08 ................ 0804A924 FB DA 04 08 C4 98 04 08 00 00 00 00 04 95 04 08 ................ 0804A934 52 07 73 79 73 63 61 6C 6C 90 90 90 C4 98 04 08 R.syscall....... 0804A944 2C A9 04 08 AC 96 04 08 0B 06 67 65 74 70 69 64 ,.........getpid 0804A954 C4 98 04 08 44 A9 04 08 70 98 04 08 2E 04 63 6F ....D...p.....co 0804A964 6C 64 90 90 C4 98 04 08 58 A9 04 08 F0 B1 04 08 ld......X....... (etc)
Accessing the dictionary structure
dd word_class current_entry: dd link_to_previous_entry dd address_of_code db size_of_word db length_of_name db 'name_of_word'
The structures within our dump above can thus be unravelled as follows:
0804A928 C4 98 04 08 | word_class ( of syscall ) 0804A92C 00 00 00 00 | link_to_previous_entry ( none ) 0804A930 04 95 04 08 | address_of_code 0804A934 52 | size_of_word 0804A935 07 | length_of_name 0804A936 73 79 73 63 61 6C 6C | 'name_of_word' ( "syscall" ) 0800493D 90 90 90 | 0804A940 C4 98 04 08 | word_class ( of getpid ) 0804A944 2C A9 04 08 | link_to_previous_entry ( syscall ) 0804A948 AC 96 04 08 | address_of_code 0804A94C 0B | size_of_word 0804A94D 06 | length_of_name 0804A94E 67 65 74 70 69 64 | 'name_of_word' ( "getpid" ) 0804A954 C4 98 04 08 | word_class (of cold ) 0804A958 44 A9 04 08 | link_to_previous_entry ( getpid ) 0804A95C 70 98 04 08 | address_of_code 0804A95D 2E | size_of_word 0804A95E 04 | length_of_name 0804A95F 63 6F 6C 64 | 'name_of_word' ( "cold" ) 0804A964 90 90 | 0808A968 C4 98 04 08 | word_class ( of the next word prompt)
An observation of the above unravelling is in order. Between the 'name_of_word' ("syscall") and the word_class of the next word (getpid) are a few inconsequential bytes; but these bytes don't appear between the 'name_of_word' ("getpid") and the word_class of the next word (cold). Why? The reason is, many of Reva's operations on the dictionary require fast fetching of cell-aligned values. Because the names of the words are of various lengths, sometimes a bit of filler appears. All of these details are taken care of by the macro which defines the dictionary entries when Reva is compiled from scratch (Note that to get up-to-date information on the current version of Reva's dictionary structure, you must look in the src directory, macros file, for the FASM assembler macro DICT). This is instructive: when we ourselves are working with strings of characters or other byte-size data, we may need to align our data, or Reva will crash. But for the most part, when working with Reva's dictionary, this is already done for us.
The following table provides a ready reference for some of the ways that we can use to access Reva's dictionary structure and the values it contains. As usual, there are several ways to get what you want in Forth.
Note the differences between ' ( that is, the single apostrophe, which is a word pronounced 'tic') and the Reva word '' ( which might be called 'tic-tic' - i.e. a double apostrophe, NOT a quotation mark!)
' (tic) returns the xt of the word, while '' (tic-tic) returns the dictionary pointer.
In general, we can say " syscall" (find) ( using quotation marks) returns the same value as '' syscall ( using tic-tic)
Note that there is a word in Reva for virtually every element of the dictionary structure:
:>body, >name, >xt, >size, and >class.
There is no ">link" , however, because the entire structure is referenced by this element (i.e. link_to_previous_entry). In other words,
'' syscall
returns the link address already, the link itself is the dictionary pointer.
Intermediate Exercises:
(Answers to these Intermediate Exercises can be found at the end of the section. But try these. Really. You will grow not only as a programmer, but as a person.)
- Given any dictionary address, print out all the elements of the structure (addresses and values contained there), and return the value of the next link. Stack diagram: ( a -- a' )
- Given an address of any code in the dictionary, write a program to find the Forth name of that executable bit of code. For example, given the address $080496AC from the examples above, do a reverse look-up and return the name "getpid"
- Using the reverse look-up capabilities of your program in Exercise 2, re-write our dump program above to print out the names of the forth words from the addresses we are examining.
- Use the new dump program you have written to output a new version of memorymap.txt, and explore Reva again from the bottom up.
Forth tip:
Hopefully (if you have attempted the exercises) you discovered that your answer to Exercise 1 was helpful in writing and debugging your answer to Exercise 2, and the answer to Exercise 2 was helpful in writing and debugging the answer to Exercise 3. In general, we can say that whenever you create or access a structure you should provide a way to show the structure from Forth. Consider providing such words in all of your code from now on. If any task seems daunting in the beginning, try breaking it down into smaller problems which can be solved interactively. One way to do this is to write some code to print the data and structures you are working with. Once that is done, the solution to the bigger problem is often readily apparent and trivial to implement.
Inner Workings of Reva's Interpreter
If you have been following this tutorial, you will remember a series of numbers and letters that was one of the first things we saw when we examined Reva's memory, namely
We discovered this was part of the Forth word digit>. Take a look now at your latest memorymap.txt (the one you created for yourself after doing Exercise 4, above. You did that, didn't you?). Find that string of numbers and letters, confirm that it belongs to digit> (with your newest dump, there's no mistaking it) and look at the name of the word in the dictionary just before digit>. That word ( interp ) is what we are going to talk about in this section of the tutorial.
By now, you should have a pretty good idea of what is happening when you type a word beside the ok> prompt. The Reva Forth interpreter begins to search for the word you have typed. It looks in the last defined word first ( last @ ) (pretty much the same way your answer to Exercise 2 did). Each word will have a link to the previous word in the dictionary, ending with the word we first examined, syscall (or cold), whose link is 00000000. If the interpreter finds the word before it comes to the end of its search, it sends the xt off to be executed (or compiles it according to its class, depending on the state). If it doesn't find your word, it tries to make sense of it as a number. If that fails, it returns the string of nonsense characters that you tried to sell it, and replies ?
The word interp can be found in the src directory in revacore.asm. This is written in assembler for speed because this is the loop that Reva ordinarily moves through, awaiting input from you the user, and speed here makes it feel more responsive.
Most Forth implementations will give you access to an assembler of the computer it is written on (and some would argue that if it does not, it cannot truly be called a Forth). The reason for the reliance upon the assembler is that many time-critical loops may need to be hand-tweaked for execution speed. This is also why Forth is often used for real-time control. In general, a programmer will get a program working in Forth, and then tweak bits and pieces in assembler to get to the speed required.
We are going to reverse this process here: rather than go from high-level Forth to assembler, we'll take the assembler listing and write a high-level version of the Forth word interp. Now that we know Forth (you did the exercises, didn't you?), this will help us understand what is happening when we push <Enter>. A secondary bonus - this might make the word at least somewhat portable to other computer architectures. A goal is to port Reva to the ARM processor (and others).
Even if you are not a machine language coder (yet), the comments for interp are such that it is fairly easy to see what is happening. Let's begin by converting it to a sort of pseudo-Forth code based loosely on the assembler labels:
: interp ( -- ) | a high-level version of Reva's interpreter
query | get a LINE ( of course, this is not a word in Reva)
repeat | (the entry point for a flow-control structure)
parsews 0if nogo interp then | Parse until we find white space
tokenizer | (find) it, return XT or number, or nothin'
afterok | compile it for later or do it now
again ;
Computers have to continuously be doing something, executing some machine code. They may look like they are just waiting for something, but even when apparently paused, they are cycling through machine instructions. In Reva, the computer is often in just such a loop: interp spends most of its time waiting for input.
The word interp therefore accounts for much of the Forth user's environment. Most of what is familiar to you from typing in commands at the keyboard is taken care of by interp. If you look again at our home-made file, memorymap.txt just prior to the place where we originally saw the human-readable words in the dictionary (syscall or cold), we find a bunch of variables (rp0 ... ioerr). These are all very important state variables used by Forth itself.
Exercises: # How would you change the prompt in Reva? For example, can you change it from "ok>" to "yo!" ? Can you change it from "ok>" to "yes, Master?" Would it be a true reflection of your ability? Can you likewise change interp's response to an error (e.g. rather than type the nonsense word and a just question mark ( ? ), it might respond "huh?" or "eh?" or "?hm") # Ask for help for each of the Forth variables (rp0 ... ioerr). Note where they are on your memorymap.txt, and where they point to. Write a word to specially flag them with dump. Which variables are used during our Forth pseudo-code words query, tokenizer, and afterok? # How much time does Reva spend in interp ? Can we write a word that will benchmark it while waiting for a user to type a single word? A line of about 80 characters? During compilation?
Inner Workings of Reva's Compiler
History lesson
When Charles Moore invented Forth as a programming tool in the late 1960s,"my goal was simply to make myself a more productive programmer"- (Charles Moore, "The Evolution of FORTH, an Unusual Language", BYTE, Aug. 1980.
At that time, programming languages (FORTRAN, ALGOL, COBOL, PCL, etc.) were restrictive; programming tools (including assemblers) were primitive or non-existent, and computers themselves were slow, memory-starved, and none had reached the holy grail of being widely used or supported. FORTH was built incrementally as a generic solution while solving specific programming problems. On his own, Moore experimented with elements that became intrinsic in Forth: interactive interpreters, stack structures, reverse Polish notation, and dictionary extendability.
"I hesitate to say it is perfect," Moore said, giving it away to the world for free; "I will say that if you take anything away from FORTH, it is not FORTH any longer."
Moore's original software design of FORTH included "indirect threaded code" - "probably deserving of a patent in its own right". Forth definitions are compiled as a series of subroutine calls to other definitions; indirect threading meant that he could compile complex programs into less space - even the equivalent machine language code was larger. Yet despite the small overhead of a few machine cycles for the inner interpreter which pointed the computer to this indirect threaded code, Forth ran extremely fast. Smaller, faster, interactive, infinitely extensible and free - Forth carved a niche for itself among programmers who saw increases in their own productivity.
History is a garden of forking paths
If you follow one fork, you see how those other programming languages became more complex and efficient (but none the less restrictive). The programming tools became more complex and efficient (but required a steep learning curve, and the choices are endless, confusing and idiosyncratic). And computers themselves became faster, memory became cheap, and one even dominated the market becoming a "standard". Unfortunately, as the computers became faster and bigger, their operating systems became more and more difficult to fully comprehend and program. Now follow a different fork: Moore and some of the first converts to his discovered "way" found Forth itself can be put on silicon, and these Forth microchips can be used in embedded solutions and real-time process control (as well as virtually anything else that can be dreamed) with elegant simplicity.Somewhere in the middle of these diverging paths are those Forth users who long for Forth's simplicity and interactivity but still find it useful to communicate to the rest of the world that insists on using these other languages, tools and computer operating systems. For example, early Forth implementations had no use for files. Today some Forths (like Reva) essentially say, "Okay, we'll use files. Let the operating system take care of it, we'll interface with it and just use them."
With the increase in computer register size and the arrival of inexpensive memory, some Forth implementations have taken a short step away from "indirect threaded code" to "subroutine threaded code". Like the concession to the use of files, some Forths (like Reva) essentially say, "Okay, the machine already executes instructions serially, so we can let it do the job of the inner interpreter, we'll take advantage of that." Subroutine threaded Forth compiles a series of machine language subroutine calls. It was immediately discovered that this took a bit more space, but was faster than indirect threading. In the Forth tradition of looking to keep it small and fast, it was discovered that some words like + were not even worth spending the machine cycles to compile a subroutine, they could be compiled inline for a size and speed increase. The option to compile a definition as a macro also saw these inline speed increases (although not necessarily the memory savings).
Reva is subroutine threaded for speed, but it also has available inline and macro capabilities. It also does generalized tail-call elimination, which as Ron explains "is supposed to happen whenever the last item before ; resolves to a call." Full stop, present day, you at the keyboard with Reva trying to make sense of it all, and the history lesson above makes it clear as mud. Forget it.
Let's play
Enter any simple word definition at the keyboard (for example this one, which happens to be Jack Brown's useful recursive Greatest Common Divisor):
| return the greatest common divisor of 2 numbers on the stack : gcd ( a b -- c) dup if swap over mod gcd else drop then ;
Reva words are compiled. Let's examine what we think we know about
that so far: We think we know that we turn on the compiler with :
(colon). Actually, the compiler is "turned on" with ], as we'll see. The word : creates a new entry in the dictionary and then turns on the compiler. We think we know that we turn off the compiler with ; (semi-colon). Actually, [ turns off the compiler, ; compiles an exit to the current word via ;; and fixes up some dictionary stuff and then turns off the compiler. We think we know that the result is a word we have defined in our dictionary that we can add ( compile ) to other words - but even that is not exactly true, depending on the word we define (as we hope to show). Even if the word is not quite defined yet, (as this recursive definition shows) the compiler will compile it. If we are using Reva 6.04 or better, to see precisely what was compiled, try
needs debugger
see gcd
This provides us with a disassembly of the word we have created. You should see something like the following (addresses will likely be different)
ok> see gcd 080547A0 8D 76 FC lea esi,[esi-04] 080547A3 89 06 mov [esi],eax 080547A5 8D 76 FC lea esi,[esi-04] 080547A8 89 06 mov [esi],eax 080547AA B8 00 00 00 00 mov eax,00000000 080547AF 3B 06 cmp eax,[esi] 080547B1 AD lodsd 080547B2 AD lodsd 080547B3 0F 84 1B 00 00 00 jz 080547D4 080547B9 89 C3 mov ebx,eax 080547BB 8B 06 mov eax,[esi] 080547BD 90 nop 080547BE 89 1E mov [esi],ebx 080547C0 E8 0B AA FF FF call 0804F1D0 080547C5 E8 36 B0 FF FF call 0804F800 080547CA E8 D1 FF FF FF call 080547A0 080547CF E9 07 00 00 00 jmp 080547DB 080547D4 90 nop 080547D5 90 nop 080547D6 8B 06 mov eax,[esi] 080547D8 8D 76 04 lea esi,[esi+04] 080547DB 90 nop 080547DC 90 nop
: (Colon)
: (Colon) creates a dictionary header and updates the last pointer. It then turns on the compiler and when it encounters a word, it compiles it (rather than executing it). It is kind of like a train, laying down track in front of itself as it runs. The first word it encounters in our definition above is dup. Let's look at it:
ok> see dup 0804EDC0 8D 76 FC lea esi,[esi-04] 0804EDC3 89 06 mov [esi],eax
Stack Info
The register ESI is our data stack pointer, and EAX is the top of the stack (it's implemented not in memory, but in the register itself for speed). We can think of ESI as the stack's second item. It is assumed that there is room enough on our stack to add one more item 1 cell (4 bytes) big; no error checking is done, that would just slow us down.
- Exercise: Just for fun, try this: write a recursive word containing dup that counts out how many times it runs, and duplicates the top of stack before it crashes! How big is that data stack, anyway? Now you know. (Actually, you only know how much you can run off the end of the stack...). Consider how you might implement some stack overflow error checking. Hint: you might use sp catch and throw .
When the machine performs a dup, it simply changes the pointer to the new location (the stack grows downwards) and then moves what is on the top of the stack into that new position. But Reva doesn't jump to or call to this code for dup : it compiles it directly into our new definition gcd. It is, after all, only 2 assembler lines long (or 5 machine code bytes). The overhead in jumping or calling such a tiny bit of code and then returning would take longer than the code itself. dup is therefore defined as a special kind of word, what Reva calls an inline word.
We find dup in the src/reva.f file, defined this way:
: dup [ $89fc768d , 6 1, ;
- Exercise: We see what dup compiles; what do the other words in gcd actually compile (eg. what does if compile? What does swap compile? What about over mod gcd else drop then ;?
[ (left-bracket) and ] (right-bracket)
The terse definition of dup above contains an interesting word, [ (left-bracket), a left square bracket. This turns off the compiler so that we are then back in the interpreter. When dup was defined, [ relied on the interpreter to lay down the 5 bytes, hex 8D 76 FC 89 06. Later uses of dup rely on the compiler to lay down those same 5 bytes in other definitions.
As you can imagine, there is a way to turn the compiler back on in the middle of a definition, too. It is ] (right-bracket), a right square bracket. (In practice, I found I had trouble remembering which one of these brackets means 'compiler on' and which one means 'compiler off'. Other than asking for help - always the best way when in doubt - the only other suggestion I can give is the [ is going in the same direction as a 'c' and the 'f's' in 'off'. Think: compiler off=[ompiler of[) The definition of : is something like this in pseudoforth code
: : header ] ;
- Exercise: Enter the definition above for : (colon). Now try to use it the same as the old colon. What worked? What didn't?
If you look at the source code for ] you find that it does but one thing: it sets a global variable for Forth, called in the source code is_compiling. There is no Reva-approved way of accessing this global variable to set it, other than using ] (which turns it on, or sets it to 1) or [ (which turns it off, or sets it to 0). And there is no Reva-standard way of getting this global variable, other than using compiling?. When we want to create a word that has a different action based on whether it is being interpreted or compiled, compiling? returns the state we are in.
; and other macro words
Enquiring minds may have looked at the definition of dup above and asked, 'Why didn't we have to turn the compiler back on before we ended the definition of dup?'
The answer is, ; (semi-colon) is a special class of word, that works immediately. Reva calls this kind of word a macro, which might be confusing to some who are coming from other forths, or who are familiar with c or assembler. ANSI calls such words immediate words. But the word macro precedes the definition of a macro word, and specifies the class of the word that is going to be built; the ANSI word immediate works on the definition of word that was just recently built, and describes its behaviour. Assemblers use the term 'macro' when they are discussing a way to simplify the definition of a complex series of machine code. If we were to use a definition that general, we might say all of forth is a macro assembler. In Reva, however, the word macro is very specific. You can think of an assembler figuring out the actual code result from a macro instruction during the preprocessor stage of its assembly; similarly Reva's macro works in the preprocessor or interpreter mode, even if the compiler is turned on.
Obviously, some words will need this capability. Think about it: when we encounter ; (semi-colon) it has to work right away or else the compiler would just compile it into the word we are building! Our train would run right off the rails! Furthermore, ; works whether we are in interpreter or compile mode.
Try this (with no colon, just in interpreter mode)
here .x ; here .x
You have just proved that you can use ; without a preceeding : - it just lays down byte $C3 (assembler ret) and moves here forward by one. We don't see the ret in the disassembly of gcd above because that was the cue for the disassembler to stop disassembling or seeing the word.
For the same reason that ;(semi-colon) has to work immediately, ] and [ must be macro words too. We might like to know which other words are macro (and which ones are inline).
- Exercise: Define a word (based on words) that displays only macro words. Define a similar word that displays only inline words. Add a word that displays only forth words. And one that displays only variable, and one that displays constant words. Can you think of a single word that would accomplish all of these things at once?
Macros work right away in colon definitions, but they (probably) have an action in interpreter mode too. Try this:
.s ] " I see what you're saying " [ .s here 20 - 20 dump
" (Double-quote) compiles a string and returns an address and a count, when we are interpreting. When we're compiling, though, it just lays the string down. One nice thing about turning off the compiler in the middle of a definition is that you can do some preprocessing in the interpreter mode, and then just compile the result. You can make a loop branch marker doing this, for example.
- Exercise: create a word that can examine part of itself. (This might be useful, for example, if we are trying out some inline assembler code and want to see it before we actually run it.)
headerless definitions
We can make definitionless headers with header. (Oh, go ahead and try it! If you can't break it, you don't own it.)
header crash crash
This brings us to headerless definitions (which are probably more useful). There may be times when we want to compile something but we won't ever need to access that code from our dictionary ever again. We don't need, therefore, to clutter up our dictionary with these one-use only words. We saw one such technique early on in this tutorial when we examined the definition of dump. That method used loc and reveal. Another way is to use :: to turn on the compiler - and create a new word without a dictionary entry. The difference between ] and :: is :: leaves the xt or execution address of our (headerless) defined word on the stack. We'll have to deal with it - put it in a variable or make a deferred word with it, because ;; won't do it for us.
You can have endless fun extending the compiler by playing with :: , ;; , [ , and ] but eventually you'll want to do something really fulfilling that will require you to compile one of those macro words. And as we now know, compiling a macro word is impossible because it wants to act immediately. Of course, there is a way to do it.
(TO DO: we welcome additional tutorials in this vein)
Answers to Exercises
1. Here is one way to do it.
: .addr ( a -- )
cr dup .x ;
: .cvalue ( a -- )
." value: " c@ . ;
: .?cvalue ( a --) | prints size if <255, otherwise warns
dup c@ if .cvalue else . ." >255 bytes" then ;
: .value ( a -- )
." value: " @ .x ;
: .dict ( a -- a')
00; ( -- 0)
cr ." dictionary entry:" cr
dup >class .addr ." word_class " .value
dup .addr ." link_to_previous_entry " .value
dup >xt .addr ." address_of_code " .value
dup >size .addr ." size_of_word " .?cvalue
dup >name .addr ." length_of_name " .cvalue
dup >name .addr ." 'name_of_word' " count type
@ ( -- a') ;
." try: last @ .dict" cr
| .dict.f - prints out the dictionary entry's structural elements
| ( a -- a' ,returns next link, or flag 0)
| for ways to extend it, see map.f in examples directory
| bugs: size field needs a fix for versions >6.0.2
2. Here is one way to do it.
variable >link | points to our dictionary searches
: reset-link ( -- ) | must be initialized with the top of dictionary
last @ >link ! ;
: an.xt? ( a -- true|false) | returns true if found the xt in dictionary
>xt @ = ;
: .current-name ( -- ) | prints the current dictionary name
>link @ >name count type ;
: update-link | updates link pointer to next dictionary structure
>link @ @ >link ! ;
defer matchmsg ( -- ) | what to print if there is a match
: (explain) ." matches: " ;
' (explain) is matchmsg
false variable, found | turns on when we found a match
: ?found ( f -- ) | set found to on, or not
if matchmsg .current-name
>link off | no sense in searching anymore,
found on | we found a match
else update-link | search somewhere else
then ;
defer warnmsg ( -- ) | what to print if there isn't a match
: (warn) ." no matches" cr ; | default message
' (warn) is warnmsg
: warn ( -- ) | prints warning if link=0 ( but not found)
>link @ 0 =
found @ not and
then ;
: xt>name ( a -- ) | prints name given the address of xt
found off
>link @ 0; | don't play if passed a zero
over swap
>link @
warn drop | warns if we looked everywhere and found nothin'
reset-link | set these variables at runtime for debugging
found off
' (warn) is warnmsg | change warnmsg to suit your purposes (eg. Example 3)
' (explain) is matchmsg | change matchmsg to suit your purposes
." try: ' syscall xt>name " cr
| xt>name
| a reverse lookup
| Given any computer address of executable code,
| return the name of the Forth word that will compile it or run it (if any).
3. Here is one way to do it:
include xt-to-name.f ( see Exercise 2 )
: (--) noop ; | default message: print no warning
' (--) is warnmsg
: (-) space later space ; | with name, print a space before ( and after ?)
' (-) is matchmsg
: ?xt ( a ax n -- a ax n) | prints name if finds an executable at a
rot dup >r -rot r> ( -- a) | address is 3rd one down; save it for others
dup 16 - ( -- a a') | check back
do i xt>name
create dump$ 17 allot | space for 16 characters
: dumpasc ( a n a -- ) | hope springs eternal: all we have to do is include our ?xt in this word
dump$ count dup 0if 2drop else
16 over - 3 * spaces type
then ?xt cr dump$ off ;
: ?nl ( a n -- )
dup 0; 16 mod not 0;
drop over dumpasc .x ;
: >printable ( c -- c')
dup 32 127 between not if drop '. then ;
: dump ( a n -- )
0; dump$ off
over .x 0 do | iterate for each line:
i ?nl drop dup c@ dup >printable dump$ c+place .2x space 1+
loop drop dumpasc ;
." Try ' syscall $60 dump " cr
| newdump.f - a dump that shows where the executables are
Answers: 4. Here is one way to do it: Yourself!